A novel, proven technology using commercial 4G / 5G to provide affordable telemetry to high-speed aircraft
Military and commercial aircraft use sophisticated aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) services for monitoring and transmitting data collected on board during flight testing and to evaluate performance and ensure pilot safety. The technology traditionally employs a band of dedicated radio frequency (RF) spectrum for communications.
With the explosive growth in mobile communications, demand for RF spectrum is accelerating worldwide. At the same time, AMT has increasing need for bandwidth to deliver massive amounts of test data generated from highly sophisticated modern aircraft and to take advantage of emerging opportunities for enhanced predictive maintenance applications and cost-savings advances in live, virtual, constructive (LVC) training.
With the explosive growth in mobile communications, demand for RF spectrum is accelerating worldwide. At the same time, AMT has increasing need for bandwidth to deliver massive amounts of test data generated from highly sophisticated modern aircraft and to take advantage of emerging opportunities for enhanced predictive maintenance applications and cost-savings advances in live, virtual, constructive (LVC) training.
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Why it's neededVelocite is a revolutionary solution that leverages commercial 4G and 5G LTE infrastructure to deliver bidirectional air ground communications in any frequency band and at speeds well above Mach 1. Velocite provides seamless, secure communications at long distances and delivers sophisticated, high-bandwidth, real-time communications for flight testing, training and operations. It also supports offload of aircraft maintenance, telemetry and mission data while in flight and it enables real-time, virtualized services for aircraft safety, predictive maintenance, LVC training and mission readiness.
Unlike current AMT systems that can only handle one test mission at a time, Velocite enables multiple simultaneous test missions conducted over high-bandwidth commercial equipment from any vendor with considerable time and cost savings. Velocite is a patented, proven solution which has been successfully demonstrated in flight testing at Edwards Air Force Base. Velocite can be utilized by military and commercial users in a variety of aerospace applications including:
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How it worksVelocite combines an intelligent LTE network design with groundbreaking innovations to reliably deliver high-bandwidth data communications for test aircraft at speeds of 1,000 kph and above. Velocite’s Doppler compensation applique works with any airborne LTE COTS User Equipment (UE). It automatically and intelligently resolves the challenges due to Doppler shift on the mobile transceiver to deliver assured, high-speed air ground communications for any LTE-compliant equipment and without any modifications to the LTE radio access or core network.
The appliqué performs high-speed Doppler estimation and real-time frequency compensation functions to synchronize the test aircraft’s LTE transceiver in both radio directions with any desired LTE base station and maintain a robust data link. The Velocite appliqué substantially extends the standard LTE mobility limit of 350 kph to fighter jet speed, providing real-time processing to keep up with LTE signaling on board the airborne unit. It also incorporates frequency translation and a high-power radio frequency (RF) amplifier for large area coverage. The Velocite network design provides 3D coverage with connection to multiple cells available at most points in the airspace. This provides redundant and reliable coverage for a full duplex radio link, for both base station (eNB) and UE to deliver a nominal 20 megabits per second throughput per link over a large part of the covered airspace. The Velocite unit can be augmented by a ground-based integrated cellular network control capability (ICNC) which seamlessly takes control of cell-to-cell handovers at LTE base stations when needed. ICNC is a sophisticated management component that collects real-time power, location and timing data, and utilizes advanced analytics to estimate aircraft trajectory and cell signal quality. Velocite also includes easy to use radio frequency planning tools to support test range operators with 3D coverage analysis and flight trajectory coverage predictions. The ICNC visualization tools are used for supervision of network operation and real-time situational awareness of test status. Doppler compensation appliquéAnchor Element Copy for linking on the same page:
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SpecificationsVelocite second-generation transceiver specifications
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Research, services and products of interestResearch
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