Our products > Cybersecurity > Distributed, Assured and Dynamic Configuration (DADC)
Distributed, assured and dynamic configuration (DADC)
Efficient, secure and accurate design for cyber infrastructure, cloud and cyber physical systems
Configuration is the DNA of cyber infrastructure. Correctly configuring complex cyber infrastructure is notoriously difficult with configuration errors leading to 50%-80% of network vulnerabilities and downtime. Our researchers developed the DADC system to address these problems through automated configuration synthesis and repair, system-generated emulation for testing and analysis, and visualization and verification.
Our DADC solution secures networked systems. It has been successfully extended to efficiently and accurately configure cloud deployments and to securely design cyber physical systems (CPS) such as robotics and autonomous vehicles.
Our DADC solution secures networked systems. It has been successfully extended to efficiently and accurately configure cloud deployments and to securely design cyber physical systems (CPS) such as robotics and autonomous vehicles.
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How it worksCorrectly configuring cyber infrastructure requires setting configuration variables to simultaneously satisfy a myriad of interdependent connectivity, security and redundancy requirements. This is a daunting task that can take days or weeks as 100s to 1,000s of configuration variables must be defined and shown to satisfy from 1,000s to tens of thousands of constraints.
DADC utilizes an innovative constraint-solving technique to automatically generate correct, compliant designs in seconds and to detect mis-compliances and correct them to enforce compliance. It produces provably-compliant designs with validation that all requirements are met. DADC can also be used for moving target defense by proactively changing to a new, compliant design to confuse adversaries. Anchor Element Copy for linking on the same page:
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Research, services and products of interestResearch
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